“The God Factor” Part II is similar to part I. I am going to ask readers for what version they like best.

” When as humans we fail to care properly for all humans the paradigm of evil created by evil wizard world leaders and their magical support group will always be confounded by Love a variable I like to the call “The God Factor”

– Jose Maria Chavira M.S. Adagio I CEO Angelcraft Health

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Jose Maria Chavira M.S. Adagio I Alumni California Southern School of Behavioral Sciences.

The God Factor is an easy way for writers of psychology and sociology to break in the Almighty in their reflections, writings and observations about human life and society in General that do not make sense, but work always for the better.

The “God factor” is a statement that says, ” Who cares if you love me or worship me and keep that stupid idol or demon of war out of the face my children, I will have my way with this world and it will benefit those that are committed to nonviolence and peace.

The “God factor” is a statement that says, who cares if you leave me out of your educational textbooks, I am God and where you fail I will succeed mysteriously and albeit sometimes illogically with or without your permission because as my children I must do everything I can to keep you growing both in educational and spiritual matters and I do not need your false worship because I sift the wheat from the chaff.

The “God factor”  is responsible for illogical things like a man or a women who comes from a dirt poor family and becomes a real doctor or professor and their parents never having any education whatsoever or a passion or love for education.
The “God factor”  is responsible for the existence of many morally good psychologically well balanced families who having not had the resources even to pay tithes at times still go to church, temple or synagogue faithfully and find themselves and their children are as wise as any Cambridge or Harvard graduate and even spiritually more balanced and naturally, without the aid of an expensive psychotherapists.

There are many good poor people who do not have access to parenting magazines or even care about Parent Pyschology or even know or regard the importance of  Psychologist Abraham Maslow Hierarchy of Needs, but believe in God and live good healthy lives psychologically and spiritually.
This lack or push toward higher education by the poor is because of prejudice and lack of everything and what poor people care about most is where are they going to get their next meal or even if they will have a place to stay.
It is amazing that we still have so many poor people with the wealth that exists in this world.

For us more fortunate humans understanding our own children and making their lives better will by default make the world a better place.  But God helps those who we fail to help in God’s own way, but we still need to get involved in their lives and show them that they are just as worthy to attend Cambridge or Princeton as any other human being.
Selective education and support for the intellectually advanced people from poor cultures is thus far the best we have done.  What we need to do is inundate the poorest areas with the best schools and infrastructure so more people get developed and opportunities for higher learning abound.
Common sense comes from God also and the rule of thumb for people who have a middle school or high school education and have not studied psychology is that they transmit to their children what they liked about their upbringing and try not to transfer any negativity, such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, bad traditions or morals or uncomfortable feelings that their parents transferred on to them.

This is too is good developmental psychology and often the best kind because it comes from love the science of God to always want better things for your children than you had.
The common goals of  hard working middle class parents are to send their children to University and hope they become doctors or professionals of some type.   It is a standard middle class value that Parents want their children to live better than they do and to not work as hard with their backs and to use their brains.
This for me is also a  “God Factor” that God helps good people raise their children in the absence of psychology or by helping them to transmit good values such as going to church on sunday, working hard every day, telling the truth, saving money, knowing how to recognize a good buy on a house or a property, knowing how to look for a good fixed-rate loan, making sure to study hard in school.

Disciplining your children without violence and making sure they marry a good hard working spouse is something parents have been doing for a long time, for it is by our good conscience that we strive to make life better for our Children and our conscience is the built in psychology of the mind that causes us to care about our children, our family and others.  For mason wizard politicians, there are conscience spells and enchantments know as “return to innocence.”   Due to the rituals Fraternities perform they must erase their consciences with enchantments or else they would never be able to function in politics.
Values and conscience however go hand in hand and erasing our memories or our consciences is counter productive to good parenting as we are likely to pass on to our children those techniques that helped us to succeed in school, business or politics.
Thus parenting void of magical training is a good start for any family and a step in a positive direction.

A former wizard or witch quitting their magic and thinking how they will unconditional their children to do the same is certainly a good step but a challenging one depending on how advanced the child is in wizardry and his or her magical support group.   Thus for people not used to reading about parenting techniques this is a good opportunity to start without imposing on your child’s free will.
Making sure their is respect in the family is a good solid working class middle class value and transfers well onto children if their parents did a good job of respecting them.  Respect in the home and for mother and father means respect for other things such as the law.  Antisocial or A-social kids are kids that got little respect in their homes and as retransmit it in their adolescence or earlier and end up as juvenile delinquents and begin breaking laws early in their lives.
This is because a for a juvenile delinquent that was raised say in the sex trafficking business being passed from home to home their experiences with parents or guardians equate to their first experiences with authority .

A parent or a guardian is the first authority that we know.  Without them, a child does not eat or have a place to live, but if conditions for survival of a child involve participation in illegal activities or physical or sexual abuse against their will the likelihood they are going to respect real authority figures and the law without reconditioning will be figurative at best.  God factor can move in at any time and change the lives of children like this.
The “God Factor” video I am about to share with you is about Sung Bong Choi a young south Korean boy who raised himself on the street since the age of five,  His testimony is true and it is not about how God saved his life and he became born again.  His testimony is a slap in the face to those of us who think that kids raised under such extreme disparity are led to waste and come to nothing without proper Parenting support.
This video about Sung Bong Choi is God’s way of showing you that God can protect a boy while still allowing free will to work in the world.  This video is about an unseen series of years of this boys life where every turn was a challenge but God still very involved in the upbringing of this young man.
This video is about how God can take a street child who sold gums and energy drinks and lived and slept in bathrooms for most of his young life in order to escape physical abuse from his guardians at the orphanage..

This video is to show the way God still works in the lives of those we cast away and have no desire to help.  Make sure to x off the advertisements on the You tube Video to read the subtitles in English and capture the story of his life and receive the blessing in the end.

I know that for many humans psychology sometimes equates to brainwashing and it can especially if its Nazi German Socialist Democratic Classical conditioning.  This form of German classical conditioning psychology  backed by the Vatican and polished with diffusion of responsibility brainwashed the German nation into supporting the slaughter of more than six million humans in German Concentration camps.

The following document will give you a good understanding of the Nazis who are hiding in Socialist Democratic parties and still believe in ethnic cleansing.

Nazi Germans do not represent Good German People

The kind of psychology that is good for the general population is Developmental Psychology.  This form of psychology is not just for therapists , but all teachers and social workers have to study it and understand it well.   Since then teachers and social workers as well as psychiatric nurses have to study developmental psychology, it should not be so intimidating for the average parent.
For Christians the standard focus on the family is a good source, but good secular teaching especially on parenting styles is a nice compliment.  You will find good developmental psychology in many secular as well as religious institutions.  But like Wizards,  and Teutonic Nazis corrupt everything they can that is good and Godly expect them to create a developmental psychology where Children are denied love and the Nine needs all humans have as I have outlined in my thesis.

Angelcraft Health: The God Factor Part I: Where we are caused to fail accidently or with intent, God is there, but instead of feeling sorry for us, God makes us strong and gives us wings and teaches us to fly by dropping us from the nest – Jose Maria Chavira M.S. Adagio I

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“We work hard to get ahead. But when oppressed God works on our behalf if we ask.” Jose Maria Chavira – Adagio I

Important Terminology for this paper: is the term Confounding Variable.  Please visit  http://www.alleydog.com/glossary/definition.php?term=Confounding%20Variable   for a good concise definition of the term.

“Where we are caused to fail accidentally or with intent, God is there, but instead of feeling sorry for us, God –like eagles do with their young–makes us strong and gives us wings and teaches us to fly by dropping us from the nest.”

– Jose Maria Chavira M.S. Adagio I

Acknowledging the source and origin of all healing and how God does miraculous things inside of families without the help of psychologists or therapists or any type or form of parenting magazine is a fact that draws me even closer to my Non Gender God who is father and mother to us all.

We know now today  that what psychology does not teach is what I call the “God Factor.”    The  “God Factor” explains how a ritually beaten child ends up being a  miraculously developmentally healthy and balanced child who as an adult does not beat his children or involve them in things like the occult like their parents might have.

“God Factor”  works in all areas of life and all areas of education and religion.  In religion, if your pastor or priest is not feeding you well spiritually you may end up in a religion you never expected to and find a spiritual home that is different from the one that did not give the spiritual nourishment and fellowship that you needed.  The important thing here is that you were raised to go to church and you knew that a church going life is a positive result bearing existence, but maybe your old pastor died and the new one just was not the same and so you continued on your path until your spirit was filled.

“Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he or she should go, And when he is old he or ( she ) will not depart from it. –

King James Edition.

In Education  “The God Factor” is the confounding variable in your experimental research and results.  If  you are studying for your PHd in psychology and have a large sample group and your results from your latest tests, experiments and statistical do not qualify your theory or fulfill you expectations do not abandon your work, but look at your question restate it in a different way and always keep looking at your previous work for the  “The God Factor” is like Hindsight 20/20 and can work that way.

For students studying for their Phd, In most cases, you thought through your question well  because you know that formulating and stating the question you will attempt answer by your experimental research if not done right will not be taken seriously by the board of behavioral science and make it even more difficult for you to defend your theory before a panel of Ph’ds

So no matter how well you and your associates structured your research if its a group effort, take advantage of the confounding variables that sometimes occur to make your theory even better.  But remember that in psychology those practitioners that believe in God have a better understanding of how to work the omniscience in situations that are labeled as difficult or hard problems to solve.   Those that do not get frustrated and become that proverbial counselor in that psychology joke that compares the psychologist that listens to the one that doesn’t.   Listening intently with love and compassion will not make you haggard or old before your time.  Remember that God is the fountain of youth and few people understand that.

Thus believing in God and your research that may be nazi in nature or not nazi nature is self discovery in itself.  Nazi PHd’s are certain of their results and research because they condition their sample groups to produce the expected results.  However, if you are a good psychologist student and PHd Candidate and do not tamper with your control group your theory can still be valid even if an anomaly in your sample group pops up and confounds your study.  Call it the “God Factor,” use it and perfect your theory.

Behavioral scientists usually do not expect a large margin of error in a well structured and tested study because they write several descriptions that describe expected results that explain the conflict and contrast that may or may not exists or arise in groups that are tested and asked the same questions about parenting and who share the same environment, cultures and educational background.

But when answers that should share in common community values fail to validate your study, “God Factor” should motivate you to break down your control groups putting together like minded groups with  like minded groups and answer the logistical question that will most like render Jewishness vs Christian values and that explains why the differences in the answers to your experimental test questions  in your small community study exist.

In this case  the  “God Factor”  caused you to break down your control groups in smaller groups that qualified themselves into nice subcultural niches by their original responses to the questions and you will realize demographics in your study group may need to be updated adding another educational credit to your resume.

Thus we can see the God factor works in many ways not just for people who cant afford psychology, but for students of psychology and sociologist who are seriously and genuinely interested in developing the understanding of the human condition.

In all forms of thinking that do not make sense and should,  the confounding variable is most always the “God Factor” and to grow deeper in the knowledge of God and God’s purpose for the humnan race we must question ourselves introspectively about information that is produce by our confounding variable because it is no ordinary condiounding variable, but one that challenges to look for better solutions and more insightful methods to our approaches at life or research.  One might call this working the Omniscience.

The omniscience is always around us. Omniscience is God’s Holy Spirit the power that carries the compendium the knowledge of God awaiting to be tapped, harnessed or facilitated by a hungry mind whose neurons are anxious to be used.

Confounding variables are often opportunities that take us in directions we did not expect and always reveal if we work hard the omniscience well and right new theories or ideas that will help us in many aspects of life and the compendium of life sciences.

The “God Factor” is an easy way for writers of psychology and sociology to break in the Almighty in their reflections, writings and observations about human life and society in General.

The “God factor” is God’s own polite way of saying, “who cares if you go to church, love me, or worship me or even hate me, if you are a scientist or an educator I am going to use your brain to write books about physical laws, principles and mechanics and allow you not to mention God in the credits and educate the world without your permission and allow you to think you did it all by yourself.

“Leave me out of your educational textbooks if you wish” says God, for I am God and where you fail in education and religion,  I will succeed mysteriously and albeit sometimes illogically with or without your permission because as my children I must do everything I can to keep you growing both in educational and spiritual matters.

The “God factor”  is responsible for illogical things like a man or a woman who comes from a very poor black family and becomes a real doctor or professor and their parents never having had any education whatsoever or a passion or love for education.

The “God factor”  is responsible for the existence of many morally good psychologically well balanced families who having not had the resources even to pay tithes at times still go to church, temple or synagogue faithfully and find themselves and their children are as wise as any Cambridge or Harvard graduate and even spiritually more balanced and naturally, without the aid of an expensive psychotherapists.

There are many good poor people who do not have access to parenting magazines or even care about Parent Pyschology or even know or regard the importance of  Psychologist Abraham Maslow Hierarchy of Needs, but believe in God and live good healthy lives psychologically and spiritually.

This oppression on the world’s poor and especially on the undocumented poor is for many reasons, but even poor whites get discriminated against.  The Ethnic Cleansing people say “Why educated the poor and colored, when I feel they do not even have the right to live.”  This is why we have ethnic cleansing in Bosnia,  genocide in Africa, Mexico, and Guatamala, South America Canada and many other places.  Reference http://angelcraftsecuritydivision.wordpress.com/2012/09/27/travel-caution-and-awareness/

It is interesting to me that all over the world their exist populations of people who could care less about “Psychology Today” when their most important matter to solve is where are they going to get their next meal or even if they will have a place to stay.
  Thus I ask for them that know not how to, “Our Father who art in Heaven Sacred be thy name, Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Give this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us and help us so that we do not lead ourselves into temptation, but deliver us from evil for thine is the Kingdom the Power and Glory Now and Forever, Amen. ( From Amen Ra ancient Egypt  – So let it be done ) Words of Jesus Ben Joseph Edited by Jose Maria Chavira – Adagio I

It is amazing that we still have so many poor people with the wealth that exists in this world.

For us more fortunate humans working toward understanding our own children and making their lives better will by default make the world a better place.  But God helps those who we fail to help in God’s own way and we as believers in God do not have to justify to the bureaucrats God’s duty to the the poor.  For it is the duty of politicians worldwide to make sure welfare programs reach everyone and thats just the start.

Nevertheless, despite having God helping our children, we still need to get involved in their lives and show them that they are just as worthy to attend Cambridge or Princeton as any other human being.
Selective education and support for the intellectually advanced people from poor cultures is thus far the best we have done.

What we need to do is inundate the poorest areas with the best schools and infrastructure so more people get developed and opportunities for higher learning abound.  
Common sense comes from God also and the rule of thumb for people who have a middle school or high school education and have not studied psychology is that they transmit to their children what they liked about their upbringing and try not to transfer any negativity, such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, hazing for pecking orders, bad traditions or morals or uncomfortable feelings that their parents or fraternities transferred on to them.

Caring is always good developmental psychology and often the best kind because it comes from love the science of God to always want better things for your children than you had.

The common goals of  hard working middle class parents are to send their children to University and hope they become doctors or professionals of some type.   It is a standard middle class value that Parents want their children to live better than they do and to not work as hard with their backs and to use their brains more than their muscles.   
This for me is also a  “God Factor” that God helps good people raise their children in the absence of psychology or by helping them to transmit good values such as going to church on sunday, working hard every day, telling the truth, saving money, knowing how to recognize a good buy on a house or a property, knowing how to look for a good fixed-rate loan, making sure to study hard in school.

Disciplining your children without violence and making sure they marry a good hard working spouse is something parents have been doing for a long time, for it is by our good conscience that we strive to make life better for our Children for “conscience” is the built-in psychology of the mind that causes us to care about our children, our family and others.

Wizard Values:  For mason wizard politicians, there are conscience spells and enchantments know as “return to innocence.”   Due to the rituals Fraternities perform they must erase their consciences with enchantments or else they would never be able to function in politics, and in the past could do almost anything they wanted without impunity .

Regular and Standard Values and good conscience however go hand in hand and erasing our memories or our consciences is counter productive to good parenting as we are likely to pass on to our children those techniques that helped us to succeed in school, business or politics.

Thus parenting void of magical training is a good start for any family wanting to change from magical thinking into the believing in the Real God that dominates all the religions and the planet with or without our permission for our own good.   

A former wizard or witch quitting their magic and thinking how they will unconditional their children will certainly be a challenge for magical families have traditions that stem back hundred of years those that have kept records at least; And depending on how advanced the child is in wizardry and his or her magical support group (peer pressure factor) is the variable they will most like have to deal with.

For the regular people people not used to reading about parenting techniques this is a good opportunity to start without imposing on your child’s free will.
  Making sure their is respect in the family for everyone, is a good solid working class and middle class value and transfers well onto children if their parents are consistent, not forceful, or abusing in nature.

When respect in the home and for mother and father is attained, it transfers into respect for other things such as respect for the law, for society and for the general rights of others.

Antisocial or A-social kids are kids that got little respect in their homes and as retransmit it in their adolescence or earlier and end up as juvenile delinquents and begin breaking laws early in their lives.

For a good definition of this diagnosis please visit http://www.healthline.com/galecontent/antisocial-behavior

Antisocial or A-social behavior is today the most common symptom in children of involved in the sex trade and adolescents who have survived in the sex trade and who were trafficked as children.

A  juvenile delinquent that was raised say in the sex trafficking business being passed from home to home their experiences with parents or guardians equate to multiple experiences with bad authority or authority that sometimes is strictly managerial in nature until the next paying client cones along.

A parent or a guardian is the first authority that we know, but when a child is past around the defragmenting they should experience is usually confounded by the “God Variable.”  God can cause us to forget the bad things that happened to us in our lives to gives a fair working chance at life.

As managers, guardians or parents, without them, a child does not eat or have a place to live, but if conditions for survival of a child involve participation in illegal activities or physical or sexual abuse against their will the likelihood they are going to respect real authority figures and the law without reconditioning will be figurative at best.

“God factor” can move in at any time and change the lives of children like this.

The “God Factor” video I am about to share with you is about Sung Bong Choi a young south Korean boy who raised himself on the street since the age of five,  His testimony is true and it is not about how God saved his life and he became born again.  His testimony is a slap in the face to those of us who think that kids raised under such extreme disparity are led to waste and come to nothing without proper Parenting support.

This video about Sung Bong Choi is God’s way of showing you that God can protect a boy while still allowing free will to work in the world.  This video is about an unseen series of years of this boys life where every turn was a challenge but God still very involved in the upbringing of this young man.
  This video is about how God can take a street child who sold gums and energy drinks and lived and slept in bathrooms and stairwells for most of his young life in order to escape physical abuse.

This video is to show the way God still works in the lives of those we cast away and have no desire to help.  When watching the video make sure to x off the advertisements on the You tube Video to read the subtitles in English and capture the story of his life and receive the blessing in the end.

I know that for many humans psychology sometimes equates to brainwashing and it can especially if its Nazi German Socialist Democratic Classical conditioning.  This form of German classical conditioning psychology  backed by the Vatican and polished with diffusion of responsibility brainwashed the German nation during World War II into supporting the slaughter of more than six million humans in German Concentration camps.

The following document will give you a good understanding of the Nazis who are hiding in Socialist Democratic parties and still believe in ethnic cleansing.

Nazi Germans do not represent Good German People

The kind of psychology that is good for the general population is Developmental Psychology.

This form of psychology is not just for therapists , but all teachers and social workers have to study it and understand it well.

Since then teachers and social workers as well as psychiatric nurses have to study developmental psychology, it should not be so intimidating for the average parent.
  For Christians the standard focus on the family is a good source, but good secular teaching especially on parenting styles is a nice compliment.  Islamics have the Islamic family way and it works excellent for them.  You will find good developmental psychology in many secular as well as religious institutions.

But like Wizards,  and Teutonic Nazis corrupt everything they can that is good and Godly expect them always to enter into the behavioral science field, social science field, religion and you will know them by their cold hearted writing that lacks empathy for humans and lacks respect for God,


Arriola, Kimberly R. Jacob  (Arriola 2002)  Antisocial Behavior retrieved from http://www.healthline.com/galecontent/antisocial-behavior on Tuesday April 3 2013

Definition for Confounding Variable retrieved on Tuesday April 3rd from http://www.alleydog.com/glossary/definition.php?term=Confounding%20Variable

Reference http://angelcraftsecuritydivision.wordpress.com/2012/09/27/travel-caution-and-awareness/

Permission is given to anyone to use material on this website or reproduce it without fiduciary gain and without expressed written permission for educational purposes that are positive in nature and that do not defame the nature God or good psychology.  Only Jose Maria Chavira M.S. the author of this paper is allowed to publish this work for a profit.

Atlas Society: God works in every area of education, religion and knowledge that allows us to make great empires and civilizations.

Success is 10 percent inspiration and 90 percent perspiration

– Thomas Edison

God will never make things easy for us knowing that unbelieving men or the women will take credit for discoveries or inventions without acknowledging God’s help.  But without omniscience and a neurological network of synapses that fire electrically to connect with each other to make your brain work, you could invent nothing.

The important thing we need to know is that God works in every area of education, religion and knowledge that allows us to make great empires and civilizations.

Like it or not God does not need to fill out your forms or get your permission to make buildings, roads, or even laws that override your own legalistic jargon that you use to get your white collar and blue collar friends out of jail.

Like it or not God does not care if you give God the credit for creating the neurological network inside your brains that helped Edison create the light bulb after many failures and that used good men to write the Declaration of Independence from magical tyranny and later the United States Constitution.

Using the great eye of Horus that represents the all seeing eye of God on the dollars bill means nothing to God especially after masons turned to wizardry and demonology.  A religious symbol on the dollar bill means nothing to the nation if their children are not allowed to pray in schools to that symbol that stands for God.

Before wizards penetrated secular orders such as the Republics that exist all over the world today and the original union of that was the United States of America, they penetrated Monarchies and the Holy See turining it into the (VAT) or Vatican a world that has as its prefix the synonym of a word that means a Cauldron a chief instrument in Wizardry and Demonology.

Even Theocracies that have not been maintained have succumb to destruction that comes from wizardry and demonology.

The worst thing that has occurred however is that have had the wool pulled over our eyes by Wizards and men of the clothe that support them and even our educational institutions have suffered at the hands of wizardry and demonology.  Skull and Bones and Harvard male fraternities practice magic.  It is no secret and stepping stone toward becoming someone in the old world system one that is changing now before our very eyes.

During the dark ages the church did little to heed the voice of education as it relates to science.  The Vatican ignored new astronomical findings, reason, logic, mathematics and geometry and even jailed Galileo for rediscovering an old truth that our system is indeed a Heliocentric system and not a geocentric system.
Despite all, religious institutions should be sponsoring and sending their brightest minds to work in or get deeply involved in places like Nasa or Cern or sending the most intelligent of their clerics and jesuits to become astronomers and physics professors the worlds best universities where God still develops the holy understanding that we know as the compendium of human educational knowledge.
To me, every element in the table of elements is sacred.  Every astronomical discovery – a new revelation, and every type of math worth its own testament to be added into the AD Testament of the work that God has done on this earth working through humans both men and women.

God is as much a part of mankind as womankind and the Author, Inspiration and organizer that makes places like NASA the great Institution that it is
God is as much a part of mankind as womankind and the Author, Inspiration and organizer that makes places like NASA the great Institution that it is