Saving the World from Masons and Nazi Terrorists by World Activist Prince Jose Maria Chavira Kareem Al-Hussayni- Adagio 1st – Nome de Plume JCANGELCRAFT

Saving the World from Masons and Nazi Terrorists by Prince Jose Maria Chavira -Adagio 1st-

Version of its a small world by Prince Jose Maria Chavira -Adagio 1st-

Adapted for our times

It’s a world of laughter
a world of tears
Its world of hope
lets get rid of the fears

There’s so much that we share
There’s no time for terror
Its small world after all

Its world of stories and many lies
It is time that we judge all the evil spies

There’s so much that we share
that its time we should care
its a small world after all.

Adaptation of the original song was done so that to take seriously the state of world affairs.

I feel like Confucius telling modern society about the good values we once held and a return to better morals of yesteryear while still hoping to advance civilization.  True advancement of civilization can only be accomplished by a moral world that is balanced socially, educationally and economically by elitist that used to do the exact opposite.  Now the world will know the difference between Divine Elitism and Satanic Elitism.

I sure hope you take the advice of Holy Spirit as channeled by me and other writers created to inspire you on by taking responsibility for the acts your Kings Queens noblemen and International Mason and Fraternities about the seriousness of their crimes.

Do not worry about embarrassing your nation if you did not commit the crimes and the worst thing you can do is protect the crimes of murderous industrialists and your world leaders responsible for the the killings of millions just like the Nazis.

Happy positive commercials placed in front of my face before a serious video are not going to enchant me and make your’e sins go away without you taking accountability for your governments human sacrifices for weeks or months in detail on the internet and in your papers.

Even though we out you, there are plenty of people who still know of the crimes committed by the international Nazi Controlled fraternity of Mason men and supported by the old Vatican church.   

Judgement is upon you for pride has been found in you and you have no say so in the judgment for God has read your hearts and your doom for you evil people is sealed no matter how many people you think in your heads you are murdering in human sacrifices to turn the public in your favor.

And when its over we will have not a holier than though human race but a balanced race that has lived through then most terrible time in history where politicians victimized young men and women and children in the sex trade and put the blame on others and murdered them in human ritual.


Atlas Society: God works in every area of education, religion and knowledge that allows us to make great empires and civilizations.

Success is 10 percent inspiration and 90 percent perspiration

– Thomas Edison

God will never make things easy for us knowing that unbelieving men or the women will take credit for discoveries or inventions without acknowledging God’s help.  But without omniscience and a neurological network of synapses that fire electrically to connect with each other to make your brain work, you could invent nothing.

The important thing we need to know is that God works in every area of education, religion and knowledge that allows us to make great empires and civilizations.

Like it or not God does not need to fill out your forms or get your permission to make buildings, roads, or even laws that override your own legalistic jargon that you use to get your white collar and blue collar friends out of jail.

Like it or not God does not care if you give God the credit for creating the neurological network inside your brains that helped Edison create the light bulb after many failures and that used good men to write the Declaration of Independence from magical tyranny and later the United States Constitution.

Using the great eye of Horus that represents the all seeing eye of God on the dollars bill means nothing to God especially after masons turned to wizardry and demonology.  A religious symbol on the dollar bill means nothing to the nation if their children are not allowed to pray in schools to that symbol that stands for God.

Before wizards penetrated secular orders such as the Republics that exist all over the world today and the original union of that was the United States of America, they penetrated Monarchies and the Holy See turining it into the (VAT) or Vatican a world that has as its prefix the synonym of a word that means a Cauldron a chief instrument in Wizardry and Demonology.

Even Theocracies that have not been maintained have succumb to destruction that comes from wizardry and demonology.

The worst thing that has occurred however is that have had the wool pulled over our eyes by Wizards and men of the clothe that support them and even our educational institutions have suffered at the hands of wizardry and demonology.  Skull and Bones and Harvard male fraternities practice magic.  It is no secret and stepping stone toward becoming someone in the old world system one that is changing now before our very eyes.

During the dark ages the church did little to heed the voice of education as it relates to science.  The Vatican ignored new astronomical findings, reason, logic, mathematics and geometry and even jailed Galileo for rediscovering an old truth that our system is indeed a Heliocentric system and not a geocentric system.
Despite all, religious institutions should be sponsoring and sending their brightest minds to work in or get deeply involved in places like Nasa or Cern or sending the most intelligent of their clerics and jesuits to become astronomers and physics professors the worlds best universities where God still develops the holy understanding that we know as the compendium of human educational knowledge.
To me, every element in the table of elements is sacred.  Every astronomical discovery – a new revelation, and every type of math worth its own testament to be added into the AD Testament of the work that God has done on this earth working through humans both men and women.

God is as much a part of mankind as womankind and the Author, Inspiration and organizer that makes places like NASA the great Institution that it is
God is as much a part of mankind as womankind and the Author, Inspiration and organizer that makes places like NASA the great Institution that it is